Since 1998, USAE has supported the Department of Defense’s (DoD) mission to prepare the military services to fight and win wars by maintaining active ranges. Operational ranges are located both within the continental United States and at a variety of international sites. These ranges can be readily accessible or remotely based, and require a variety of approaches in order to perform cost effective and safe removal of Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC). Our experience includes successful completion of more than 63 large-scale projects, valued at over $171M, including both surface and subsurface clearance, target removal and replacement. USAE also has success in sustaining and maintaining operational ranges, to include self-performing construction support, such as road repairs, and to remove, build, install, and maintain down-range targets.
Activities associated with operational range clearance, maintenance and sustainment may include the following:
Target Removal and Replacement
Infrastructure and Facility Maintenance and Sustainment
Small Arms Ranges
Working at DoD installations both CONUS and OCONUS, USAE has screened, inspected, cleared, processed, and certified more than 41 million pounds of recyclable metal and 9 million pounds of non-recyclable debris for landfill disposal. In the past 5 years alone, USAE has certified >3 million pounds of range related debris from the former Vieques Naval Training Range, Puerto Rico, in accordance with the Navy's approach to sustainable environmental remediation. USAE has in-house expertise and demonstrated practical experience to process live, full-scale, and sub-scale practice munitions and inert practice ammunition and targets. Our process for demilitarization not only meets scrap metal industry and military standards, but also optimizes the recycling value in accordance with the DoD Green Procurement Program.
Operational Range Clearance (ORC), Maintenance and Sustainment planning and execution can also incorporate the following elements:
Remote Site Logistics
MEC Disposal and MDAS Management
Innovative Technology Applications
Examples of Range Clearances successfully completed by USAE:
Falcon Range, OK
Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico, VA
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